The ISO 22483 standard, originally designed by the British Standards Institute (BSI), was reconsidered by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and re-published as an international standard. The last update of this standard was made in 2020.
This standard creates quality requirements and recommendations for hotels in terms of staff, service, events, entertainment activities, security, maintenance, cleaning, supply activities, and customer satisfaction, regardless of their classification and grouping.
The ISO 22483 standard provides a common and feasible reference for all hotels in terms of quality service delivery and has been designed taking into account different hotel types, existing classification systems, business models, sizes and services, and current customer demands and global trends.
The ISO 22483 standard is the standardization of the terminology and features of the services provided by tourism service providers, including related activities, attractions, and the facilities and equipment requirements used by them, in order to provide criteria to make informed decisions for hotels and consumers operating in the field of tourism.
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