Standardization in the field of food safety management systems, covering the food supply chain from primary production to consumption, human and animal foodstuffs as well as animal and vegetable propagation materials.
Requirements for any organization in the food chain, ISO 22000 is a new International Standard designed to ensure a safe supply of foodstuff throughout the entire supply chain on a worldwide basis.
The standard essentially addresses food safety concerns and contains requirements for:
  •  HACCP according to the principles of the Codex
  •  Alimentarius A management system.
  •  Good manufacturing practices (pre-requisite Programmes).
  •  Interactive communication within the chain of supply
  •  Reduced insurance premiums.
  •  Competitive advantage.
  •  Enhance statue.
The requirements are intended to be common for all activities from crop and primary source producers, transport and storage operators, retail and foodservice outlets together with their suppliers, including manufactures of equipment, and packaging, amongst others.
As the standard covers such a wide range of activities, regardless of size and complexity, it is of necessity, generic in nature Companies who wish to apply the standard will need to identify the risks associated with their particular process using the established HACCP principles defined by Codex Alimentarius.
These would need to be combined with any relevant industry code of good practice and legal requirements, and contained within a formalized management system such as ISO 9001.
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