In October of 1995, the International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA) was formed by a group of twelve playground equipment manufacturers. They saw the need for a trade organization that would provide third-party physical validation of compliance to the safety standards as outlined in the ASTM International (ASTM) F1487. Though these manufacturers were already working together under the auspices of the National School Supply and Equipment Association (NSSEA), that organization chose not to allow the new certification program due to liability concerns. As a not-for-profit trade organization, IPEMA contracted with Detroit Testing Laboratory (DTL) for certification of public-use playground equipment in the United States. The DTL is a privately owned company that is accredited and approved by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), the National Recognized Testing Laboratory, and the Federal Aviation Association. With their experience and the guidance of the ASTM E 19061 guidelines, an internationally recognized third-party certification program was established that has been raising the standards for play equipment. Read More